The second-largest place after Google, where billions of search queries are entered every day is YouTube. This video sharing platform is introduced first in 2005 and has been gaining popularity ever since. Today, it stands as the biggest ever content sharing platform with billions of videos within. In the interview, Susan Wojcicki revealed that she restricts her children only to YouTube Kids version, which is a part and initiative of YouTube for kids under the age of 13. This Kids version has only videos that are suitable for kids. Further, she even limits the time they spend on it.

Eye-opening Revelations

Susan Wojcicki further opens about the facts of this famous platform. She says that there’s an average of 500 hours of content being uploaded to YouTube every minute! Further, there are over a billion people listen to music on YouTube, which is greater than any other. Even the YouTube kids isn’t a safe place! As reported by Newyorktimes a couple of years back, they narrated a story of a family where parents discovered few startling videos being slipped into feed surpassing filters. Even recently, YouTube was fined for a sum of $170 million by FTC for violating the Online Privacy Protection Act. The company was alleged with collecting minors data without the permission of their parents. To which, all YouTube did was paying the sum and informing parents to use YouTube Kids for their children.

YouTube CEO Limits Her Children To YouTube Kids Only   TechDator - 63YouTube CEO Limits Her Children To YouTube Kids Only   TechDator - 14