Affiliate Marketing

1 Affiliate Marketing2 How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?3 Advertiser4 Publisher5 Consumer6 Nutshell

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Now that you have got to know “What Affiliate Marketing is”, now get to how this whole process and flow work: It is just a simple system that spreads both product creation and marketing among different people where each person, party have their revenue as per their contribution in marketing. It works from two sides: the product creator and seller (affiliate merchant basically) and the marketer (called an affiliate marketer). There are many Affiliate Marketing Guides which suggest that an Affiliate Marketing System works in three different parts. We will tell you which these three parts are: Advertiser, Publisher, and Consumer.



If you are a content writer, owning a blog or a digital marketer, then you are a publisher. You act as a bridge between the advertiser and consumers. Advertisers have to sell their products and publishers publish them on their blog or website. Publishers sign up for an affiliate program and start selling their products. In the end, the publisher is the one who gets a part of total revenue after the sales. Publishers usually publish links and banners on their website or blog about the product they want to refer to. A wise publisher uses effective and relevant links plus banners on their website. Using banners and links at the right place and at the right time is the key. If a publisher publishes the links altogether, it is not a bad idea and your website might not look nice. Reviewing products on your website is the best tactic to give links and banners to the products which might lead to some leads to generate some income.


As per its definition only, the consumer is the one who buys the product or consumes them. They usually purchase products for them from the publishers’ websites. They are the people who let publishers earn their bits and pieces of total revenue. It is as simple as it gets- no consumers, no sales. So, the consumer is the most important part of affiliate marketing business. Imagine if a consumer has visited one website which is reviewing about “Realme C2” and after reading the review, he/she likes it, then you will be looking for Mobile Phone Offers. In the review only, there is a link of e-commerce website selling the same mobile and consumer decides to buy that. Now, if a consumer buys it from there, publisher and advertiser get rich. This is how the whole system of affiliate marketing is- left out without consumers.


Affiliate Marketing is a great tool to have in your armor if you are looking to earn loads of money in the field of digital marketing. Advertisers are advertising their products on affiliate programs, publishers have to just promote those products on their websites and if a consumer buys that product, publishers get a bit of the total revenue. So, it basically keeps everyone happy- advertiser got its sale increased, publisher earned some extra bucks, and the consumer gets what he/she wanted to buy.