Telegram to Inject Ads Soon

After seven years of inception, Telegram has finally chosen to monetize its platform by various means. These plans come after Telegram is hit 400 million active users in April this year and is nearing the 500 million mark. These plans of monetization are revealed by Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov himself. Also Read- Why Anonymous Recommends Signal and Telegram Over WhatsApp? Taking about the platform, he claimed to spend his own savings money for developing Telegram all these years. Believing that a start-up of such needs at least hundreds of millions of dollars every year to operate and touch billions of users, he said they should be making money off by introducing new features soon. This includes creating a new ad network, where it may let businesses run ads on their platform. It’s made that Telegram won’t be stuffing ads in one-on-one and group chats but in other popular places. While many believed Telegram to obtain funds by selling its native cryptocurrency – TON, it was abandoned all together earlier this year. Thus, it should be looking for alternatives. Pavel Durov criticized WhatsApp’s founders because of selling their service to a big company for money, saying he has no plans for doing so. Besides the ad platform, he talked about selling the new features for money starting next year. Mentioning that free features remain free, paid features include premium stickers packs made by various authors who will get a share in the revenues. Also Read- Telegram Sued Apple Over Unfair Appstore Price Cuts

Telegram to Start Earning by Displaying Ads and Selling Premium Features - 69Telegram to Start Earning by Displaying Ads and Selling Premium Features - 28