According to the revised rates, the monthly subscription to Telegram costs around Rs 179, and the same will cost around Ra 2148 on a yearly basis. Users are getting informed of the price change via the official Telegram handle of the platform available on the application. Talking about the top benefits of the Telegram Premium subscription, it allows the user to access up to 1000 channels, 20 folders, 10 pins, 20 public links, four accounts, animated emojis, faster download speed, ability to read the transcript of any incoming voice message, ad-free content, premium stickers, up to 4GB upload size, and a lot more. If you don’t know how to get the Telegram Premium subscription, then no need to worry, as here we will explain the process step by step.

How to get a Telegram Premium subscription in India?

First, download the updated version of Telegram from Google Play Store for Android or Apple App Store for iOS.Now, open the application and tap on the settings tab at the bottom right corner.Scroll down until the bottom and tap on the Telegram Premium option.Tap on the ‘subscribe for Rs 179.00/month’ and then finally make the payment for the same.Your subscription will get active successfully after this point, and then you’ll be able to use all the premium features.

This step of reducing the prices for the Indian market could be a boon for Telegram as it has almost 120 million users in India. Slashing the prices down is surely going to attract new customers to buy the premium subscription.