Telegram launched the web app to tackle Apple’s App Store policies, but remains limited in many aspects. And since it’s now gearing up for a premium version too, Telegram is blaming Apple for forcing developers to use iOS apps and collect App Store tax for that.
Restrictive Apple Policies
Apple is already criticized by a number of people for its restrictive features in the name of security. Adding to this, Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov has criticized the Cupertino-based company for similar restrictions on web apps functioning. Telegram is one of the heavy feature-loaded messengers we have today and is available in various means. For Apple, the company has a Telegram iOS app too but faced several issues with Apple’s review process on its public channels functioning – which doesn’t have any content restrictions. This led Telegram to launch a web version for iOS users that has all the features as its regular app. But Apple restricts the features of iOS web apps through its Safari browser too! This led Pavel Durov to fire on Apple’s stance, for not changing its policies even after developers report repeatedly. Pavel Durov has pointed toward one such report from Telegram’s own developers – who said the Safari browser is limiting features with no support for important aspects like push notifications, VP8 and VP9 codecs, high refresh rates, and visual artifacts. Durov said this behavior from Apple is to force developers towards its App Store, so it can collect a tax of 30% per any commercial transaction made through it. He noted; And with Telegram working on introducing a premium version of its platform with extended features, this surely can be a pain for Telegram.