Among various events, Ola acknowledged some of them to take action while few are still in the queue. Here is the list of all Ola S1 and S1 Pro e-scooters related issues:

1. Ola S1 Insurance Premium Discrepancy 

Right after the first batch started delivering in December 2021, a user name Rahul Prasadh took Twitter to raise an issue regarding insurance premium payment. The person stated that he had paid Rs 7,471 for the insurance but policy documents showed an amount of Rs 6,695 causing a discrepancy. Though Ola took a note of the matter and refunded the excess amount to the user. 

2. Delivery of dented Ola S1 Pro

Receiving a shiny vehicle is the dream of every buyer but imagine the opposite when someone receives a faulty product. An Ola S1 Pro customer from Vishakhapatnam faced the issue when his order of e-scooter was delivered with several cracks and dents. The person reached out to his sales manager upon which he has assured a repair. The matter lets users and others in bizarre as Ola was expected to take the matter into hands and should do a fresh replacement.

3. Ola S1 Pro needed service within 24 hours of delivery

Ola S1 Pro has been reported producing noises and headlight dysfunction after a ride of less than 6km. A Twitter user named ToadTweets reported the issue and his brand new e-bike was towed away to the workshop and returned with another problem of the broken number plate and oil marks on the S1 Pro body. Later, the user reported a charging issue which was then attended by the Ola Chennai team.

4. Ola S1 Pro fire incident

With the arrival of summer in the country, Ola finds itself in another issue when an S1 Pro broke into a fire in a marketplace in Pune. The incident bagged public attention and arises the question of Ola EV sustainability. Ola Electric later acknowledged the issue and ordered a probe to find the reason. Till then, no fresh reports have come describing the cause of the Ola S1 Pro fire.

5. Ola S1 Pro Reverse Mode Glitch

In a viral video that appeared on social media in April 2022, Ola S1 Pro was running in reverse at 90kmph when placed on a surface. The incident happened due to a software glitch which makes the rear wheel rotate in reverse allegedly at 90kmph. Since the reverse mode on Ola S1 Pro is purely based on software, this kind of issue could be fatal when not fixed properly.  Now since modern electric vehicles are not just mechanical machines but use intelligent software to make them more agile, secure and to make improvements over time. Ola, on the other hand, has been suffering not just hardware issues, but also software reliability issues. It is also required to invest more time and money in R&D to ensure its ev batteries are sustainable and safe.