Current lockdowns around the world are pushing people to rely heavily on online entertainment sites like torrents, steaming, gaming, etc. And Quidd is no exception. This online marketplace lets users share their digital collectibles as stickers, cards, toys, etc for Quidd money (and real money too). This community is popular enough to be noted by hackers, as one who claims to be breaching Quidd and scraping login credentials of over 4 million, is now sharing it openly in a public forum!

Open, but encrypted!

As ZDNet reported, this was first detected by Risk Based Security on Friday, who have even collected and tested some data. Interestingly, it appeared to be valid! The dataset contained details of users’ usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords. Luckily, the passwords weren’t laid bare in plaintexts but hashed with script encryption. And this is why hackers weren’t that interested, as many would-be preying on data that are easier to access. A data trader talked to ZDNet revealed that, after ProTag initially selling the data in the dark web, it’s then privately traded many times in several high-profile groups and even posted in Pastebin. After all, it’s touted to be circulating since October 2019, and have been dumped publicly by ProTag for free now! Though it’s somewhat safe for passwords being encrypted, few hackers were offering decrypted databases too. There were sellers detected, offering over 135,000 accounts and over one million accounts of decrypted data! Thus, it’s advised for all Quidd users to change their passwords as soon as possible. Via: ZDNet

Millions of Quidd Users Login Details Shared on Dark Web for Free - 43Millions of Quidd Users Login Details Shared on Dark Web for Free - 12Millions of Quidd Users Login Details Shared on Dark Web for Free - 10Millions of Quidd Users Login Details Shared on Dark Web for Free - 49