What is this AI-based MIMO technology?

5G has its own optimization challenges while deploying. A 4G network has 200 network optimization parameters, while 5G has over 10,000. Parameter combination. This is where Huawei’s AI comes into play, which uses a random forest algorithm. This algorithm will model, predict, collect, and analyze data to optimize network performance. So the user can experience a pre-5G network on a 4G sim.

What is this AI-based MIMO technology?Huawei denies any backdoor deals with India:India is sandwiched between the US and China Trade war:

Huawei denies any backdoor deals with India:

India is home to one of the biggest telecom markets in the world. Huawei has a 28% global share of the telecom’s equipment market. Just like everyone, Huawei, too, wants to penetrate the Indian market. However, many have voiced concerns over the deployment of Huawei’s 5G. It seems the Indian govt too shares this concern and source suggest they are looking for a backdoor deal with Huawei. But the Chinese company isn’t interested in any such deal.

India is sandwiched between the US and China Trade war:

The USA is lobby aggressively to put an end to Huawei ‘s dominance around the world. The Trump administration is putting a lot of pressure on India to ban Huawei. On the other hand, India and China are having border issues in Arunachal Pradesh. A week ago, Xi visited India for an informal meet with PM Modi. Sources suggest Xi suggested if Huawei face any problem. The same would happen with Indian companies operating in China.

Huawei Successfully Deploys its AI Based Pre 5G Tech in India   TechDator - 42Huawei Successfully Deploys its AI Based Pre 5G Tech in India   TechDator - 3