We have created a quick guide to locate and find downloaded files on iPhone and iPad devices. Just follow these steps every time to reach the downloads at your fingertip.

Access downloaded files on iPhone and iPad devices following these steps

  1. Go to the Files app on iPhone and iPad. You can quickly locate the app with Spotlight Search. You can access spotlight search by swiping down from the middle of the home screen. Type “Files” in the search bar.
  2. Once you open files, Go to the “Browse” tab located at the bottom and select “On My iPhone” for iPhones or “On My iPad” for iPad devices.
  3. Tap on “Locations” that will show the apps you have installed with the option – “On My iPhone” or “On My iPad”.
  4. The page will show you a list of folders for each app installed on the device. Tap on the Downloads folder.
  5. It will direct you to a list of downloaded files. Most times, whenever you are starting a download it asks to select a folder and you can choose it other than “Downloads”. 
  6. In case you’ve downloaded a file into a different folder, tap the back arrow to go the step 4. 
  7. Find the folder in which you have downloaded the file and tap on it.
  8. Once you have the access to the downloaded file, you can open it and perform actions like copy, move, rename, or delete.