The incident took place in Washington wherein a woman who was stabbed and duct taped by her husband managed to dig herself out of the grave. After coming out, she dialed 911 using her Apple Watch. The 42-year-old lady, Young Sook An was buried in a grave about 60 miles southwest of Seattle. The officials who rescued her claim that she had been kidnapped. Revealing more about the incident, cops claim that the woman was in terrible shape when she was found by them. The statement reads, “She had duct tape still wrapped around her neck, lower face, and ankles. There was extensive bruising to her legs, arms, and head, and her clothing and hair were covered in dirt.” According to a report in The Daily Beast, An fled the grave in a forested area and knocked at a stranger’s door for help. A 911 operator told the police that a woman called the emergency number but sounded gagged and could not talk. The operator also heard banging and struggling in the background but after some time it got totally quiet. The police located the cell phone tower and visited her house, but did not find her. They did find “signs of disturbance” the report cited the affidavit as saying. The report claimed that Ms. An Young showed up at a stranger’s house on October 17th and asked for help. The woman kept on screaming, “My husband tried to kill me” when she was found by the cops. The Apple Watch not only alerted the police but also send emergency notifications to the woman’s 20-year-old daughter. Although the husband found out about the watch and smashed it with a hammer, by then the watch had done its job. Ms. Young’s husband, Chae Kyong An, had bound her hands and legs with duct tape and then stabbed her in the chest, post which he buried her alive. The couple is going through a divorce battle and the husband wanted to keep his pension money out of her hands, the report said. Talking about what really transpired, An Young revealed that she and her husband were discussing the divorce and money, and her husband Chae got angry after she told him to leave. As she went into the bedroom to change, he attacked her, punched her in the head a few times, and threw her on the ground. He then tied her with duct tape and left for some time. When Chae returned, he dragged her out of the bedroom. He hit her apple watch with a hammer and then struck her wrist, after which he forced her into a van and drove to a nearby forest area where she was stabbed and buried alive. Chae was arrested on October 17th itself and the police also found the grave where he tried to bury his wife. They also found her hair strands, pieces of duct tape, and the broken frame of her Apple Watch. This incident is a classic example of how a gadget made with good technology can prove to be way more than a plaything.