Available for free, this tool will help small and medium businesses to understand their digital readiness score, and compare them with industry peers. Also, it will suggest relevant products and services to improve digital maturity.
A Free Tool For Checking Digital Strength
With last year’s pandemic, we’ve seen the most technologically compatible companies moving towards a complete work-from-home system. And this triggered a situation for cyberattackers who increased their efforts in hitting vulnerable companies. This eventually led to a rise in cyberattacks like ransomware, where the threat actors have significantly earned millions in months. Thus, everyone is advised to make their digital infrastructure better, with some governments coming forward with various securing plans. One among them is the Australian federal government, which today announced the Digital Ready Assessment Tool – a questionnaire-based tool for assessing the digital maturity of small and medium enterprises. This tool is available for free and needs the company representatives to fill in certain responses. These will be evaluated to make an over digital strength score, and comparing it with the average of peers in that industry will make them realize how good or bad the condition is. Announcing this tool, Melissa Price, Minister for Science and Technology said The Digital Ready Assessment Tool also provides suggestions to relevant products and services, which can help in strengthening the infrastructure of assessed companies. These recommendations will be related to various categories like a customer, data and analytics, digital capability and culture, digital strategy and innovation, operations, risk and cybersecurity, and technology.