Launched in 2021 for a price of Rs. 79,900, iPhone 13 has a display size of 6.1 inches and a 12MP wide and ultra-wide lens camera combo at the back. It has bigger lenses as compared to the previous iteration and a new diagonal camera lens setup as well. iPhone 13 has recently also received the iOS 16.2 updates. The update comes with various new features like AOD, Freeform app for creators, Apple music sing, advanced data protection, new lock screen widgets, live activities for sports, new airdrop settings, and more. Apple has also rolled out 5G support for Indian users. The freeform app is one of the major highlights of iOS 16.2. “The app offers a variety of brush styles and color options, sketch ideas, add comments, and drawing diagrams. iPhone and iPad users can draw anywhere on the canvas with the finger and with support for Apple Pencil, Freeform makes it easier than ever to sketch ideas on iPad while on the go.” The blog post read.