This is the reason why video editing also is rapidly gaining traction with the soaring popularity of videos. But are visuals enough for an interesting video? Videos are a combination of audio-video experiences that make it so interesting. Therefore, audio functions and music, etc. are equally important criteria during video editing. For the uninitiated, the video editing world might seem too technical. But, it is not a tough nut to crack for those who know it on the inside. Similarly, anybody who is aware of the basics can easily add music to video. How? Read on for these few simple steps to help you make amazing videos with great music.
Preview Your Video Creative
To elevate the experience of viewing your video, you must first be able to view your video first and anticipate where the audio would fit in. With the amount of sophistication available in today’s tech world, video editing is a no-biggie. That is because most video editors have the built-in feature to import audio files and add music to the video.
Download Your Track and Import
The ease of video editing and the simplicity of techniques and tools makes adding music to your video extremely fun and interesting. It will probably take you more time choosing the music than adding the track to the video. The first thing you must do is download your track in the requisite format. Format support is an important part of this step. That is because your music track must be a format that is supported by the video editor. After that, import the audio track on to your video editor with the import function’s help. No matter what system or software you use, you have to navigate and select the file you want to import and then choose the Import function.
Synchronize the Timeline
After you have imported the file onto your video editor, you have to adjust the music according to the video’s demands. This is the step when the music track’s initial anticipation for the video byte comes into play. You must first decide upon important factors such as length of the track, length of the scene, scene-specific track, intro tracks, outro tracks, etc. If you want to apply music to specific portions, you have to adjust the music’s timing to match the video scene. Timeline functions help to synchronize this timing between the edits and functions and the video content
Edit the Music Track
Based on your timeline synchronizations, you would require to edit the music track and place it in the right time zone. Additional edits can be done based on various factors such as the background score, narrations, voice-over, volume adjustments, bass and treble adjustments, etc. If the video you are making involves a voice-over and narrative portion, then the timeline edits have to be made to the music apart from the volume changes. Furthermore, many video editors allow you to convert audio to video with the help of patterns and designs suited to the music audio. Timeline synchronizations and music editing are a must for such kinds of videos.
Add Audio Effects
Most video editors support audio effects. The waveform that appears for the audio music track can be easily customized for a chic look to an audio-only video. This waveform track line grows and shrinks with musical notes’ rise and fall and gives an interesting look. Apart from choosing waveform patterns for your audio-based videos, there are many other changes you can do. Adding audio effects from the menu, such as “fade-out,” can help prevent the jarring, abrupt ending of the audio track. The effect helps to slowly and gradually fade as the video progresses. Once again, after adding such audio tracks, it is important to synchronize the settings and adjust it to the timeline specifics to avoid anomalies.
View, Tweak, and Export
Once you finish editing, you must preview the entire content together. These preview exercises’ objective is to find out apparent glitches and issues in the feed and tweak it wherever necessary to deliver the perfect content. After repeating this exercise several times, you should be able to have an error-free and perfect video in your hands. There is no bar on the number of adjustments or the number of previews. The exact specific number can be one and can be many, as long as the video content is perfect. After your viewing-tweaking exercise, you can use the video editor’s in-built functions to export, download, and share your creatives. In-built features in most of the video editors enable sharing with your friends through social media.
How To Choose The Right Music For Your Video?
There is a stark distinction between the music you deem best and that is best for your video. Though you may like any music, it does not necessarily mean that such music is right for the video. The right music track can highlight and magnify the intensity of the viewers’ emotional response watching the video. The right track compliments the ethos of your video and should be selected while bearing in mind the audience’s desired response to the video. Today, most of the music videos can highlight the desired response of the video. For example, a new product with amazing features must make people happy. So the tune or music of the video is very upbeat and positive, to match that vibe.
In today’s times, it must be remembered that many people who consume your videos want to hear it too. The video must stimulate the optical and auditory senses to heighten the experience of watching it. Remember, no matter how interesting your content is, nobody will be interested if it doesn’t sound well.